
Around 70% of our parts are drop forged. The main reason is that we are heavily involved in the woodmulching , mining and crushing industries. These industries require specialised parts that not only wear well but have high levels of impact resistance. Forgings are perfect for this. Due to the nature of forging we can achieve greater strength and durability with less reliance on complex alloys and heat treatments.

We can forge from a variety of material. Primarily we forge from 40Cr and 42CrMo. If the job requires we can forge from a variety of materials. We recently forged large components from 42CrMo4, 40CrNiMo and 20MnMo.

The forge presses we produce parts on range from 2000 to 4000 tonne, making them some of the most powerful forge presses in the world today.

By using forged wearparts and components in our higher impact applications breakages in the field have all but been eradicated. We even use forged wearparts in agricultural applications that are too severe for even the most well made casting.

Most people believe that the cost of forge toolings and dies are prohibitive relative to cast toolings.

This was the case, but ATC GROUP customers pay a tooling fee of between USD 800 and USD 1200 for the majority of parts. The tooling cost includes the continual upkeep of the dies. The most we have paid for a tooling die is USD 3500 for a 50Kg part. Given the part price is a third of what we were paying to have it profile cut, we were in front after the first order.

Forgings also allow many of our customers to reduce their machining requirements. Tight tolerances and uniformity between parts means that many customers are able to use parts without additional machining.